Marketing Automation: The Benefit of A Keap Certified Marketing Partner  

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As a small to midsize business owner, the most important resource for you is time. With an infinite amount of time, your business can create uncapped growth.

Time is something you can’t afford to lose. That is why many businesses outsource their marketing. How do you know you’re choosing the right marketing partner?

The best option is to look at reviews and make sure your agency partner has the right certification proving they understand how to create growth in your business.

What is a Keap Certified Partner?

Keap Certification (Originally known as Infusionsoft) is a certification program that trains marketing agencies to support the marketing efforts of small businesses.

Keap supports businesses by offering an all-inclusive marketing automation platform called Keap Max and Keap Max Classic. Keap offers many different software options for small businesses. A Keap Certified Partner Agency goes through rigorous sales and marketing training to understand the Keap ecosystem.

Keap’s training teaches an agency how to use the software to the best of its abilities for each unique business requirement.

Marketing automation is an important way to help your business grow and save time. Every software requires some level of training. The better prepared your marketing specialist is to use the software, the better data, improved customer experience, and greater growth you will see.

Keap Certification takes about 20 hours over a two-week training period. The agency partner learns how to:

  • Build a marketing automation system for your unique business
  • Support your business in finding growth opportunities
  • Support your marketing efforts with high-value data

How Does a Keap Certified Agency Benefit Small Businesses?

Using a Keap system creates a comprehensive marketing system for your business. Using marketing automation and a CRM system that works with all of your marketing inputs gives your business better, more informed data.

You also create a more unique customer experience. Customers no longer wish for integrated company data, they expect it. Can your current CRM system connect with every department? Does your customer data flow from paid ads to final purchases?

Keap Max can bring you ROI data for all marketing channels. Benefits of a Keap Marketing Automation System include:

  • Saves time and money through marketing software consolidation
  • Lowers the time it takes to build a customized marketing campaign
  • Integrates with accounting and support software services
  • Creates large amounts of customer data
  • Allows for better customer personalization

How Does Keap Max Save Your Small Business Time?

Keap has three different marketing automation platforms: lite, pro, and max. It is a cloud-based software system.

Keap includes business process automation or the use of process automation to support repeatable, multistep business transactions. This means follow-up calls, emails, and SMS messages can be automated for your sales and marketing team.

The Keap system also includes software like email marketing, CRM Systems, SMS marketing, social media management, and lead nurturing. Each piece of the system is integrated, leaving your company with quality data across all departments.

Why Does a Small Business Need Marketing Automation?

Increase your business growth with a strong marketing and sales process. Marketing automation creates a system that manages simple repeatable tasks for your sales and marketing team.

Automate the lead nurture process, follow up sales calls, and remind your team of important tasks. Using automation helps your team move from a reactive strategy to a proactive strategy. Your team will have more time to focus on the process and improve your company’s overall customer experience.

In the SharpSpring State of Marketing Automation report, 78% of current automation systems are only focused on one marketing channel. It also shows the growth in automation tools like SMS marketing. This tactic is still being severely underutilized.

There are three important things that need to be in place for marketing automation.

  1. Quality data – for personalization and segmentation
  2. Sales and marketing alignment – creating a good lead handoff
  3. Strategic execution – creating differentiation from the competition

Three positive outputs of a good marketing automation system include better leads, a personalized customer journey, and better data.

Better Leads

A clear repeatable process can improve your lead generation efforts. Once you find what works for your potential customers, you can use automation to ensure every potential customer gets the right treatment.

Use clean data to include greater personalization in your marketing and sales materials. Your team can easily create email campaigns paired with custom landing pages that focus on each unique audience.

Your sales and marketing teams will have more time to focus on nurturing the right leads by taking away repetitive tasks.

Personalized Customer Journey

You will have better data for your marketing and sales team. They can use this data to create personalized campaigns quickly. Your emails and marketing materials can include greater personalization for potential leads and customers.

Each department will have access to the customer data available in your CRM and connected systems. This will give your customer a better experience overall.

Better Data

An integrated system that you know how to use, allows your team access to stronger usable data. You can set up ROI measurements broken down by marketing channel. Better data means more accurate budget decisions.

Improve Your Sales and Marketing Process

Marketing automation helps a business grow. If you’re interested in getting automation started for your business, we can help. Talk to one of our marketing automation specialists today. Keap Certification means we are experts in building systems that work for your unique sales and marketing needs.

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